Monday, 23 September 2013



Since the time of ancient Rome, nightshade has been used to treat a wide range of ailments. One such ailment, abscesses called ''felons'' on the fingertips, inspired one of the plant's common names, felonwort. They 18th century Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus prescribed the plant to treat fever and inflammatory infections. the homeopathic remedy, proved in 1811 by Hahnemann, is traditionally associated with people who are highly susceptible to damp and chills.


Dulcamara is typically given to people who are sensitive to cold and damp, with symptoms caused by rapid temperature changes or cold, wet weather. 

In the symptom picture for Dulcamara, these physical factors outweigh psychological traits, but some confusion, irritability, impatience, and restlessness may be evident, possibly with a domineering attitude, notably toward family members. Susceptibility to respiratory infections causing thick, yellow mucus is typical. Hay fever and other allergic reactions are also common, so are head and joint pain, eczema, and diarrhea.

Colds & coughs

Symptoms: Sore throat, with a thick, yellow discharge from the nose and the eyes. Thick mucus may be due to sinusitis, as may painful pressure and congestion in the head. A stiff neck is common, perhaps with back and limb pain. There may also be conjunctivitis, a rattling cough, bronchitis, or even pneumonia.

Symptoms better: warmth, dry, settled weather, movement.
Symptoms worse: cold, damp weather, at night.

Hay fever & asthma

Symptoms: Nasal congestion, with profuse, watery discharge from the eyes and constricted breathing. Exposure to animal fur, grass pollen, dust mites, and other allergens may aggravate the severity of symptoms.

Symptoms better: warmth, dry settled weather, movement.
Symptoms worse: cold, damp weather, at night.

Head & facial pain

Symptoms: Pain in a specific part of the head, or with a sensation of heaviness, nausea, or confusion. Neuralgic face pain, perhaps caused by Bell's palsy, may be treated, or pain due to sinusitis.

Symptoms better: dry, fine weather, keeping still, expelling catarrh.
Symptoms worse: cold, damp weather, in winter.

Skin conditions

Symptoms: Thickened, crusty, itchy skin, notably on the scalp, which bleeds when scratched. Dulcamara is also used to treat urticaria (hives) brought on by sweating in humid conditions; large, flat, smooth warts, especially on the palms of the hands; and ringworm, often found on the scalps of children.

Symptoms better: warmth, dry weather.
Symptoms worse: cold, damp weather, before menstruation.


Symptoms: Slimy, yellow or green stools, maybe nausea, and pain before passing stools. In children, symptoms may be triggered during teething.

Symptoms better: warmth, movement.
Symptoms worse: cold, damp, rest.

Joint Pain

Symptoms: Stiffness and pain in joints, aggravated by damp.

Symptoms better: warmth, movement
Symptoms worse: cold, damp, extremes of temperature, inactivity.


Native to North Africa, Europe, and Northern Asia, and naturalized in North America. Grows in moist, shady soil.


Has a long history of use as an anti-inflammatory and a liver tonic. Stem extracts have been used for warts and eczema.


Fresh green stems and leaves are picked just before the plant flowers, then finely chopped and macerated in alcohol.

Common Names

Nightshade, woody nightshade, bitter nightshade, felonwort.

Reference: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, Andrew lockie, MD

We sell this remedy in a 30ch potency at our clinic- K-W Homeopathic Medicine & Wellness Clinic as well as many others!

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(519) 603-0505

K-W Homeopathic Medicine & Wellness Clinic
751 King Street West, Suite 310
Kitchener, ON

Wednesday, 18 September 2013



Silica is a form of the nonmetallic element silicon, which is one of the major elements of the Earth's crust and a vital constituent in the structure of plants. In the human body, it strengthens teeth, hair, and nails and is also found in connective tissue. Silica, proved by Hahnemann in 1828 and given more for slow-developing conditions than for acute ailments, has the unusual feature of reputedly being able to help expel foreign bodies such as splinters from the skin.


People who respond best to Silica typically lack mental and physical stamina. Their overconscientious attitude to work can often lead to exhaustion or insomnia. They may feel anxious and ''in two minds'' about things, and fear pointed objects, such as needles. Their outlook and aspirations are limited by fear of failure. Very shy as children, they are self-conscious and unassertive as adults, but can be extremely stubborn and may relieve their frustrations on subordinates.

Chilliness is a typical physical symptom, along with a marked tendency for profuse, smelly sweat. Digestive problems and a weakened bone structure, due to poor absorption of food and undernourishment, may occur, along with recurrent infections caused by a weak immune system. Skin and bone problems are slow to heal and any wounds tend to suppurate.

Many symptoms appear at an early age: the fontanelles (membrane-covered spaces between the bones of a baby's skull) close slowly, for instance, and the bones and teeth form more slowly and are weaker than those of other children.

Skin, teeth, nail and bone conditions

Symptoms: Slow eruption of teeth, wisdom teeth problems, and defects in skin, hair, and nails, due to poor absorption of minerals in the diet. Brittle, distorted, infected nails and ingrown toenails are also common symptoms. Wounds, even scratches, suppurate and heal slowly; abscesses may form anywhere, including in the roots of teeth. There may be itchy scars or keloids after larger wounds, persistent acne, and copious smelling, sweating. Backaches are common; brittle, poor-quality bones are slow to mend if broken, and there may be curvature of the spine.

Symptoms better: In summer, lying down, being well wrapped up.
Symptoms worse: cold and damp, when menstruating, pressure on the painful area.

Ear, nose & throat conditions

Symptoms: Recurrent colds, swollen glands, ear infections, and tonsillitis leading to quinsy (abscess on the tonsil). Chronic catarrh may cause sinusitis, and glue ear (fluid in the middle ear) may cause earaches and hearing problems.

Symptoms better: lying down, being well wrapped up, warm drinks.
Symptoms worse: cold and damp, drafts, suppressing perspiration.


Symptoms: A persistent, dry, irritating cough that takes the form of severe, exhausting coughing bouts. Inflammatory conditions such as bronchitis may be accompanied by foul-smelling sputum.

Symptoms better: being well wrapped up, lying down, warm drinks.
Symptoms worse: cold and damp, drafts, suppressing perspiration.

Digestive disorders

Symptoms: A weak digestive system, with intolerance of particular food, especially fat and milk; in babies this may even include mother's milk. There may be poor absorption of essential minerals into the body, and a preference for cold foods. Symptoms may include constipation, with an inability to expel stools so that they slip back into the rectum, which may develop painful cracks (fissures) or abscesses. Painful abdominal cramps and smelly flatulence are other symptoms.

Symptoms better: In summer, being well wrapped.
Symptoms worse: Cold and damp, at a new moon, suppressing perspiration.


Symptoms: Severe pain, starting at the back of the head and extending over to the forehead, with dizziness and visual disturbance.

Symptoms better: For warmth, closed eyes, dark, quiet rooms, wrapping the head.
Symptoms worse: For cold, light, or noise.


Hahnemann prepared Silica from mountain crystal; homeopaths later made it from flint. 


Used as silica sand in industry in the making of cement and concrete, as well as ceramics and glass. It is also used to grind and polish glass and stone.


Made by triturating silicon dioxide, grinding the sand repeatedly with lactose sugar until it becomes soluble in water, then diluting and succussing it.

Common Names

Silica, flint, quartz, rock crystal.

Reference: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy., Andrew Lockie, MD.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013




Belladonna is a major remedy for acute illnesses of sudden, violent onset. It is usually given to people who are generally fit and energetic, but restless and agitated when ill. They are prone to sudden, explosive anger, marked by the desire to strike out or even to bite.

Typical symptoms linked with Belladonna include high fever, dilated pupils, flushed, dry skin, and throbbing pain, particularly in the head, due to rapid blood circulation. There is often hypersensitivity to light, noise, and touch, and also to rapid temperature changes.

Belladonna is typically given for acute pain, inflammation, or infection, chiefly of the upper respiratory tract. it may also be used to treat menstrual pain, sunstroke, febrile convulsions, cystitis, nephritis (inflamed kidneys), teething pain, and mastitis during breast-feeding.

Acute fever & Pain

Symptoms: Sudden onset of high fever and hypersensitivity in all the senses. The face may be hot, flushed, and dry, with bright eyes and dilated pupils. Although the lips and mouth remain pale, the tongue is often bright red. Any inflammation is red, radiates heat, and throbs painfully. Fever is commonly followed by perspiration, and may develop into delirium. There is little thirst, or just a craving for sour drinks. Other symptoms include throbbing pain in the eyes, which are swollen, red, and sensitive to light; a tearing, pounding pain deep in the ear, and a pulsating headache.

Symptoms better: for warm room, sitting or standing erect, for rest.
Symptoms worse: for noise, for touch, for movement, for lying down, for drafts.

Sore throat & dry cough

Symptoms: Constricted, dry, burning throat, a tender neck, and red, swollen tonsils, notably on the right side. There may be a painful, racking cough and fever.

Symptoms better: for warm rooms, for rest.
Symptoms worse: for cold drafts around 3 pm, for swallowing foods or drinks.

Headache & Migraine

Symptoms: Violent, throbbing pain. During a migraine, pain starts in the back of the head, radiates to the right brow area, and settles behind the eye.

Menstrual pain

Symptoms: Menstrual flow is extremely heavy and painful. The blood is hot and may be bright red or clotted.

Symptoms better: for standing or sitting erect.
Symptoms worse: for the slightest movement.


Native to Europe, Western Asia, North Africa, and North America, but now cultivated worldwide. Thrives in chalky soil, woods, and wasteland.


Used traditionally for swelling and inflammations, colic, and ulcers. It formed part of a sleeping potion in Chaucer's time and six centuries later, provides an anesthetic still used in conventional medicine.


As it comes into flower, the whole fresh plant, including the root is dug up. it is chopped and pounded to a pulp, then the juice is expressed. The juice is steeped in alcohol before being filtered, diluted, and succussed.

Common Names

Belladonna, dwale, devil's cherries, sorcerer's cherry.

References: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy; Andrew Lockie, MD