Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Ferrum Phosphoricum

Ferrum Phosphoricum

Key Symptoms: Colds accompanied by temporary deafness, conditions that appear gradually, hot flashes, pale face that flushes easily.

Made from iron phosphate, Ferrum Phophoricum is one of Dr. Wilhelm Schussler's ''biochemic tissue salts','' thought to counter deficiencies in the body. This German homeopath believed that the remedy strengthened the blood vessel walls, restoring normal blood flow in cases of acute inflammation, hemorrhaging, or congestion. Dr. J. C. Morgan proved the remedy in 1876. It is given for the initial stages of infections and for inflammatory conditions.


Ferrum Phosphoricum is most suited to alert, sociable, open-natured people who are sensitive and sympathetic, but who like to take action if something has upset them, particularly where protecting their family is concerned. Often overexcited and talkative, they may have difficulty concentrating. While their temperament is generally imaginative, cheerful and lively, it may alternate rapidly with an indifferent, depressed state.

Ferrum Phosphoricum may be given for the early stages of infection, respiratory problems, earaches, fevers, and digestive, circulatory, and urogenital disorders.


Symptoms: Slow-developing fever with hot flashes, excessive perspiration, intense thirst, and areas of acute inflammation.

Symptoms better: For cold, for pressure on the inflamed area, for being left alone.
Symptoms worse: At night, before starting to perspire, for physical exertion.

Respiratory Illness

Symptoms: A slow-developing cold, possible with a nosebleed and dry, hacking cough, often with chest pain. There may be hoarseness and a sore throat, typical of laryngitis. Other symptoms may include short, panting breaths, possibly due to pneumonia or pleurisy.

Symptoms better: For gentle exercise, for cold compresses.
Symptoms worse: At night, from 4 am to 6 am; before starting to perspire, for physical exertion.


Symptoms: Pain and itching in the ear, possible with hearing loss. Pain may be one-sided.

Symptoms better: For cold, for pressure on the ear.
Symptoms worse: At night, for physical exertion.

Digestive Disorders

Symptoms: Indigestion, sour burps, and vomiting of food that seems not to have been digested. Typically there is poor appetite and an intense thirst. There may be diarrhea that has a tendency to recur during the summer, or that may be linked to irritable bowel syndrome. Another possible symptom for which Ferrum Phosphoricum may be given is constipation, particularly if accompanied by hemorrhoids. Blood in the stools may indicate the initial stages of dysentery.

Symptoms better: For taking gentle exercise.
Symptoms worse: For heat, for sun, for jarring, for movement, at night, for cold drinks, for sour foods.

Poor Circulation

Symptoms: Varicose veins, hemorrhages, and nosebleeds with bright red blood, and a weak, rapid pulse. The face tends to flush easily. There may be weakness and pallor, possible indicating anemia.

Symptoms better: For cold compresses.
Symptoms worse: For heat, for jarring, for movement.

Raynaud's Disease

Symptoms: Fingers and toes are white, cold, numb, tingling, and burning, due to restricted blood flow when blood vessels contract in the cold. As the blood flow is restored, the fingers turn blue, then red.

Symptoms better: For pressure on the fingers, for walking at a slow pace.
Symptoms worse: For cold air, for jarring the fingers.

Urogenital Problems

Symptoms: A short menstrual cycle, or possible a dry vagina, dragging uterine pain, and nocturnal stress incontinence in women, or a marked loss of libido in men.

Symptoms better: For gentle exercise.
Symptoms worse: During the night, for touch.


Chemically prepared for the manufacture of homeopathic remedies, although vivianite is a natural source of iron phosphate.


Used by Dr. Wilhelm Schussler to make a ''biochemic tissue salt'' for treating the early stages of inflammatory conditions.


Prepared chemically from iron sulfate, sodium phosphate, and sodium acetate. The powdered mineral is then triturated.

Common Name

Iron Phosphate

Reference: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, Andrew Lockie, M.D.

We see this remedy in a 30ch potency at K-W Homeopathic Medicine and Wellness Clinic, as well as many others!

Call us today and book your 20 minute complimentary consultation


K-W Homeopathic Medicine and Wellness Clinic
751 King Street West, Suite 310
Kitchener, Ontario

Monday, 21 October 2013



Key Symptoms: Teeth grinding, irritability and touchiness, temper tantrums, ravenous appetite, desire to lie on the hands and knees, itchy nose that is constantly rubbed.

Purportedly named after Artemisia, the queen of Persia in the 4th century BCE who was removed for her botanical skills, this family of plants has been valued by many medicinal traditions, from ancient Roman to Chinese. Artenisia cina was identified as a remedy for intestinal worms by the ancient Greeks, and its active consistuent, santonin, is still used in worm medicines. In 1829 Cina was proved by Hahnemann, who felt that the plant's ''valuable curative properties'' went well beyond its traditional role in herbalism.


Cina is typically perceived as a children's remedy, and is given for intestinal worms or muscle twitches, associated with great irritability when scolded or in discomfort. Those affected cannot bear to be touched, held, or even observed. They often consider themselves ugly. Restlessness, a frantic state of mind , picking the nose, and grinding the teeth are typical symptoms in those for whom Cina is appropriate. Sleep is often fitful and plagued by night terrors. All symptoms may be worse at night.

These people may have an ''anxiety of conscience'', a groundless feeling of having done something wrong, which manifests itself as touchiness and obstinacy. They may be survivors of childhood abuse.

In addition to its primary use for worms, Cina has also been given to treat convulsions and seizures in children. Today it is still given as a treatment for worms, as well as for temper tantrums, violent coughing, muscle twitches, and sleep problems in children.

Intestinal Worms

Symptoms: Worms evident in whitish-colored stools. Cutting, pinching pain is felt in the belly, which may be bloated. There is an urge to grind the teeth at night, and to pick the nose and scratch the rectum, which are both itchy. The appetite may be nonexistent, enormous, or changeable, with potential cravings for sweet foods. there is often intense irritability and great restlessness.

Symptoms better: For movement, for bending down.
Symptoms worse: For heat in summer, at night, for touch.

Temper Tantrums

Symptoms: Extreme irritability in children, especially chubby ones with variable appetites. Tantrums may be due to being scolded or to worms. Typical Cina symptoms such as teeth-grinding may be present.

Symptoms better: For lying on the abdomen, for being carried.
Symptoms worse: For touch, for being stared at.

Coughs & Colds

Symptoms: Whooping cough or severe, gagging cough, with limb spasms before a coughing fit. The chest feels constricted, making breathing difficult. Speaking or sudden movement may trigger coughing. In children the body tends to stiffen prior to a coughing fit. Violent sneezing may cause pressure build-up in the head, and the nose may be alternately blocked and runny. There may be an urge to pick the nose, and nosebleeds often result. Intense ill-humor and irritability are often evident.

Symptoms better: For being still, in the daytime.
Symptoms worse: For getting up, for walking out of doors, during sleep, at night.

Twitching Muscles

Symptoms: Jerking muscles and spasms, especially in the hands and feet, associated with irritability. Cina is often used if twitching or convulsions are triggered by touch or by being scolded.

Symptoms better: For bending down.
Symptoms worse: For touch, at night, for heat in the summer.

Sleep Problems

Symptoms: Difficulty in falling asleep, or restless sleep with twitching, jerking limbs.

Symptoms better: For being rocked violently, for lying on the hands and knees.
Symptoms worse: For night terrors, for being turned over.


Native to a wide area ranging from the eastern Mediterranean to Siberia. Prefers semi-arid growing conditions.


Dried, unopened flower heads have been used since ancient times in preparations for expelling intestinal worms. The bitter plant has also been used as a digestive stimulant.


Unopened flower heads (called ''seeds'') are harvested in fall, coarsely powdered, macerated in alcohol, diluted, and succussed.

Common Names

Levant wormseed, European wormseed, Tartarian southernwood.

Reference: Encylopedia of Homeopathy, Andrew Lockie, M.D.

We sell this remedy in a 30ch potency at K-W Homeopathic Medicine & Wellness Clinic, as well as many others!

Call us today and book your 20 minute complimentary consultation.

(519) 603-0505

K-W Homeopathic Medicine and Wellness Clinic
751 King Street West, Suite 310
Kitchener, ON

Tuesday, 8 October 2013




People who respond best to Pulsatilla are sweet-natured, gentle, and compliant. They will avoid confrontation, but their moods change frequently and rapidly, and they can be stubborn in their demands for attention and sympathy. Their physical symptoms can be equally changeable. Easily moved to laughter or tears, they are highly prone to weepiness when ill, but are soon consoled by hugs. Other common traits are a dislike of stuffy rooms or fatty foods, a lack of thirst, and a preference for fresh air.

Pulsatilla is given for labor, menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy problems. It is used for respiratory illness marked by yellowy-green catarrh, eye complaints, and indigestion with variable symptoms.

Women's health

Symptoms: Short, variable, late or absent menstrual flow with severe pain. There may be delayed onset of menstruation in puberty. Severe premenstrual may respond to the remedy, particularly if it is accompanied by indigestion, weepiness, and mood swings. In pregnancy, if the general symptom picture fits, Pulsatilla is given for stress incontinence, fatigue, indigestion, and morning sickness (especially if this is brought on by fatty foods). It may also act on the uterine muscles to help turn a malpresented or breech baby in the uterus during labor.

Symptoms better: For fresh air, gentle exercise, crying and sympathy.
Symptoms worse: For heat, lying on the left side, in the evening, for rich, fatty foods.

Colds & coughs

Symptoms: An alternately runny or blocked nose, with smelly, thick, yellowy-green catarrh, and a reduced sense of taste and smell. There may be wet, spasmodic coughing, with yellowy-green mucus and shortness of breath, which is worse for lying on the left side. Violent coughing fits tend to occur in the evening and at night; they may be triggered by lying down, and frequently cause sleep to be disturbed. Pulsatilla may be prescribed for influenza when there is a fever with alternate hot and cold flashes, a lack of thirst, and possibly an earache.

Symptoms better: For fresh air, gentle exercise, crying and sympathy.
Symptoms worse: For stuffy environment, lying down.


Symptoms: Yellowy catarrh, weepiness, and headaches. the sinuses are tender to the touch. Sharp pains may begin on the right side of the face, but tend to move around.

Symptoms better: For fresh air, gentle exercise.
Symptoms worse: For stuffy environments, cold, in the evening.

Eye Infections

Symptoms: Profuse, yellowy-green, foul-smelling discharge from the eye, with sensitivity to light and possible indigestion. Pulsatilla may help conjunctivitis and itchy styes.

Symptoms better: For fresh air, for bathing the eyes in cold water.
Symptoms worse: For warm rooms, in the evening.

Digestive disorders

Symptoms: Variable, including indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and painful, itchy hemorrhoids. No two stools are alike. the mouth is dry but there is not thirst and a craving for, or aversion to, rich foods that exacerbate the symptoms.

Symptoms better: For fresh air, gentle exercise.
Symptoms worse: For heat, lying on the left side, in the evening, for rich, fatty foods.


Native to Scandinavia, Denmark, Germany, and Russia, and now found across Northern and Central Europe.


Prescribed by the Greek physician Dioscorides in the 1st century for eye problems, and in the 18th century Europe for cataracts, ulcers, and tooth decay.


The fresh, flowering plant, including the root, is chopped and macerated in alcohol, before being diluted and successed.

Common names

Small pasque flower, meadow anemone, wind flower.

Reference: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, Andrew lockie, MD

We sell this remedy in a 30ch potency at our clinic- K-W Homeopathic Medicine & Wellness Clinic as well as many others!

Call us today and book your 20 minute complimentary consultation

(519) 603-0505

K-W Homeopathic Medicine & Wellness Clinic
751 King Street West, Suite 310
Kitchener, ON

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica


Nux vomica is chiefly linked to workaholic personalities who drive themselves to stress and excess. Ambitious and pushy, they thrive on challenges, and often work in entrepreneurial or managerial jobs. The typical pattern is of someone who oversensitive and intolerant of criticism, yet perfectionist and often very critical of others. Such highly driven people tend to overload their bodies at play as well as it work. They tend to have high sex drives, consume too much rich food, coffee, and alcohol, and abuse drugs. The indulgence can create tension and sleeplessness, and often leads to digestive disorders (most seriously, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, or liver problems when the body can no longer keep up with the lifestyle).

If the profile matches, Nux vomica is given for irritability, insomnia, digestive symptoms, colds and influenza, asthma, cystitis, and menstrual or pregnancy problems. typically symptoms are worse for cold, noise, light and odors.

Irritability & Insomnia

Symptoms: Hangover-like symptoms, with disrupted sleep and great irascibility, due to an excessive lifestyle with too much alcohol, coffee, or other stimulants. A headache that feels as if a nail has been driven into the forehead is typical, as is waking at around 4 a.m, feeling very irritable and unable to sleep again until morning.

Symptoms better: for warmth, rest and hot drinks.
Symptoms worse: for cold, open air, noise, light and strong odors.

Digestive Disorders

Symptoms: Indigestion, and vomiting with painful retching. Diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal cramps, and nausea by colicky pain. Constipation may make it difficult to empty the bowel fully. Hemorrhoids and constipation may be due to rectal spasms. The abdomen is often bloated and flatulent. There may be cravings for stimulants or spicy, fatty, or rich foods, even though these only aggravate symptoms.

Symptoms better: for warmth, resting, sleep, firm pressure on the abdomen and in the evening.
Symptoms worse: for cold, touch, noise, mental overexertion, repressing emotions, between 3 am and 4 am, stimulants, eating and spicy foods.

Colds & Influenza

Symptoms: Runny catarrh by day, especially in warm rooms, but a blocked nose at night. There may be sneezing, a sore throat and dry, tickly cough, headaches, and watery, sensitive eyes, or influenza with aching muscles and shivery fever.

Symptoms better: for warmth, sleep, being left alone, in the evening.
Symptoms worse: for cold, dry weather, touch, noise , overexertion, between 3 am and 4 am.

Women's Health

Symptoms: Cystitis with spasmodic pain in the bladder, and a frequent but ineffectual urge to urinate. Early, irregular, or heavy menstruation with cramping pains is treated with the remedy, as is menstruation preceded by faintness, and premenstrual syndrome with a violent temper. In pregnancy Nux vomica may be used to help ease fatigue, frequent urination, numbness in the arms, leg cramps, constipation, and morning sickness.

Symptoms better: for warmth, sleep, in the evening, for firm pressure on the affected area, being left alone, for washing and warm compresses.
Symptoms worse: for mental overexertion, touch, noise, stimulants, eating and spicy foods.


Native to Southeast Asia, the tree grows in sandy soil in dry forests of India, Burma, Thailand, China, and Australia.


A rat poison in medieval Europe, and also used to treat the plague. Indian herbalists use the bark to treat cholera, and in Nepal it is prescribed for menstrual problems, rabies and paralysis.


The dried, ripe seeds are steeped in alcohol for at least five days, before being filtered, diluted, and successed.

Common Names

Nux vomica, Quaker buttons (seeds).

Reference: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, Andrew lockie, MD

We sell this remedy in a 30ch potency at our clinic- K-W Homeopathic Medicine & Wellness Clinic as well as many others!

Call us today and book your 20 minute complimentary consultation

(519) 603-0505

K-W Homeopathic Medicine & Wellness Clinic
751 King Street West, Suite 310
Kitchener, ON