Monday, 26 August 2013



Key Symptoms

Affectionate, open nature, tearfulness, cravings for cold drinks & salty foods, burning pains, person feels worse for lying on the left side of the body.

Phosphorus was discovered in the 17th century by the German alchemist Henning Brand. The name is derived from the Greek phosphoros, or ''light-bringing'', since the element glows in the dark.


People who love being the center of attention respond best to phosphorus. Like a match that sparks readily but burns out intensely, they are artistic , expressive, and affectionate, but may offer more than they can sustain. Illness or stress rapidly exhausts their energy, making them lethargic and indifferent toward loved ones, but highly responsive to any sympathy offered. They feel better for short naps. Vague anxieties crystallize into concrete fears when ill, leading to nervous fatigue and tension.

Cravings for salty, spicy, or sweet foods, and cold, carbonated drinks or cold milk are typical. Warm foods or drinks may upset the stomach, as may cold drinks once they have armed up in the stomach.

Phosphorus is prescribed for circulation problems, bleeding, digestive disorders, chest complaints, and burning pains.

Poor Circulation

Symptoms: The extremities feel burning hot, yet are cold to the touch. Erratic blood flow may cause weak pulse, hot flushes, fainting, dizziness, or palpitations. There may be burning neuralgic pain, and a sense of suffocation, possibly triggered by emotion or menopause.

Symptoms better: for cold, for massage, for lying on the right side, for sleeping, for eating.
Symptoms worse: for lying on the left side, for thundery weather, for emotional stress.


Symptoms: Profuse, bright red blood flow, especially from the nose, gums, and lining of the stomach. Menstrual flow may be heavy. The skin bruises easily and anemia may set in.

Symptoms better: for cold, for massage, for lying on the right side, for sleeping, for eating.
Symptoms worse: for lying on the left side, for thundery weather, for emotional stress.

Digestive disorders

Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, and constipation often due to food poisoning, stress, stomach ulcers, or gastroenteritis. Other symptoms include a saliva-filled mouth and burning pain in the stomach, or heartburn. Stools are long, ribbon-like and may be blood-streaked. Ice-cold foods and drinks are craved, but then cause vomiting once they warm up in the stomach.

Symptoms better: for lying on the right side, for eating, for cold foods or drinks.
Symptoms worse: for lying on the left side, for stuffy rooms, for emotional stress, for warm foods or salt.

Respiratory illness

Symptoms: A sore throat and dry, tickly cough, possibly causing retching and vomiting. Phlegm is streaked with dark-red blood. Chest tightness may be due to asthma, bronchitis, or pneumonia. Colds tend to go straight the the chest.

Symptoms better: for sitting up, for lying on the right side of the body, for sleep, for cold foods or drinks.
Symptoms worse: for lying on the left side, for laughing, for warm foods or drinks.

Burning pains

Symptoms: Burning neuralgic pains in the limbs, spine, or stomach, possibly with pins and needles and numbness, especially in the limbs, spine, or shoulder blades.

Symptoms better: for cold compresses, for massage.
Symptoms worse: for windy weather, for emotional stress.


A pale yellow element with a distinct odour, occurring in the mineral calcium phosphate in volcanic regions. The main deposits are found in North Africa.


White phosphorus is used for the remedy. This waxy substance is insoluble in water, so it is dissolved in alcohol, filtered, then repeatedly diluted and succussed.

Common names

Phosphorus, white phosphorus, yellow phosphorus.

References: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, Andrew Lockie, MD.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Arsenicum Album

Arsenicum Album

Arsenicum album is given chiefly to treat the mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory tracts.

The key symptoms of arsenicum album are anxiety about health, restlessness and exhaustion, chilliness, thirst for small sips of water and burning pains that are better for warmth.


Those most suited to arsenicum album are affectionate, sensitive, and stable in good health, but may be prone to restlessness, stress, and anxiety about their health, with a deep need for reassurance.

Illness brings rapid physical and mental exhaustion and chaos, which heightens their fears and vulnerability, and can cause severe anxiety or pessimism. Perfectionists by nature, they are intolerant of disorder, and when under stress or ill may develop phobias or obsessions - for example, about cleanliness. They like alcohol, warm drinks, and warm, sour, sweet, and fatty foods.

Arsenicum album is a key remedy for asthma and breathlessness. It is also prescribed for violent digestive upsets with diarrhea and vomiting, headaches, burning eye inflammation, and itchy, weepy skin complaints.

Respiratory illness

Symptoms: Asthma or severe breathlessness, possibly brought on by stress or anxiety. There is typically susceptibility to colds, violent sneezing, and hay fever. Burning, watery catarrh causes the nostrils and lips to become dry, cracked, and sensitive. Weakness and extreme fatigue are common.

Symptoms better: for warmth, for movement, for sitting upright, for warm drinks.
Symptoms worse: for cold, dry, windy weather; between midnight and 2am, for stress on the right side of the body, for cold foods and drinks.

Digestive disorders

Symptoms: Indigestion and colitis, aggravated by stress and anxiety. Watery, offensive-smelling stools cause soreness around the anus and burning pain in the rectum. There may be vomiting or diarrhea followed by exhaustion and dehydration. Excessive consumption of alcohol, ripe fruit and vegetables, and iced foods may cause gastroenteritis. If there is any fever, the body feels hot to the touch while chilled inside, or cold to the touch but burning inside.

Symptoms better: for warmth, for movement, for lying with the head propped up, for sips of water.
Symptoms worse: for exposure to the cold; between midnight and 2am, for stress, for cold foods and drinks.

Food Poisoning

Symptoms: Burning, stinging vomiting, with exhaustion and dehydration, and nausea on the sight or smell of food.

Symptoms better: for warmth, for movement, for sips of water.
Symptoms worse: for cold; between midnight and 2am.


Symptoms: Pain beginning at the bridge of the nose and extending over the entire head, with dizziness, vomiting, and nausea.  Excitement, stress, and anxiety may aggravate the pain.

Symptoms better: for cold air, for cold compresses.
Symptoms worse: for stress or excitement, for overheating, for tobacco smoke, for the smell of food.

Eye Inflammation

Symptoms: Inflamed, stinging eyes with burning pains and sensitivity to bright light.

Symptoms better: for warm compresses.
Symptoms worse: for cold air, for tobacco smoke.


Symptoms: Itching, burning, cracked skin. Scratching causes weeping, bleeding, raw skin.

Symptoms better: for warm compresses, for movement.
Symptoms worse: for anxiety, between midnight and 2am


Extracted from the mineral arsenopyrite, which is found in Norway, Sweden, Germany, England, and Canada.


Arsenicum album is triturated by being ground repeatedly with lactose sugar until it is soluble in water. It is then further diluted and succussed.

Reference: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, Andrew Lockie, MD.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Bryonia Alba

Bryonia Alba

In 1843 Hahnemann proved the homeopathic remedy, which is used mostly for slow-starting ailments accompanied by pain on the slightest movement.

Key symptoms for Bryonia Alba are pain upon the slightest movement, dry mucous membranes, great thirst, anxiety about financial security and irritability.


Bryonia is mainly used for people who are highly irritable when ill. Often clean-living, meticulous individuals. They can be contrary and capricious if ill, wanting things, that when given, are promptly rejected. They may feel tired, taciturn, languid, and angry if disturbed. Anxiety is common, especially about financial security.

The chief physical symptom treated by Bryonia is pain felt on the slightest movement. It is often accompanied by infrequent spells of great thirst, and dry lips, mouth and eyes.Illness sets in slowly, typically after overexposure to heat or cold.

Bryonia is useful for chest inflammation, pneumonia, bad headaches, and rheumatic pains. It may also be taken for some forms of constipation and breast pain.

Dry Coughs

Symptoms: Great dryness in the mouth, throat, chest, and mucous membranes, with a tickly cough and sharp chest pains. Pressing the chest during a coughing fit may alleviate pain in the head, chest, or rib cage, as may lying still and breathing gently. Coughs may be linked to colds, pleurisy, or bronchitis.

Symptoms better: for rest, for lying still, for pressure on the chest.
Symptoms worse: for warm rooms, in the morning, for deep breathing, for movement, for eating and drinking.

Colds & Influenza

Symptoms: Red, sore, swollen nose, a hoarse, constricted throat, and a dry cough. The lips are often cracked and itchy, and the mouth is dry, with a white-coated tongue. Sharp shooting ear pains may develop, as may sore eyes with sensitivity to movement and heavy eyelids. There may be an intense, aching headache, raging thirst, and copious perspiration.

Symptoms better: for rest.
Symptoms worse: for bending forward, for movement.


Symptoms: Bursting, splitting headache over the forehead or left eye, so that even moving the eyeball hurts. Pain extends to the back of the head, then the whole head, often lasting all day. The mouth may be dry, and there may be great thirst.

Symptoms better: for cold compresses, for pressure on the head, for closing the eyes.
Symptoms worse: for eye or body movement, for drinking while hot, for overeating.

Joint Pain

Symptoms: Joints and muscles are hot, swollen, stiff, and prone to stabbing pain, usually due to gout, tenosynovitis, or arthritis, or after an injury.

Symptoms better: for heat, for pressure on the affected area.
Symptoms worse: for cold compresses, for the slightest movement, for jarring.


Symptoms: Large, hard stools that look black or burned. The rectum may be particularly dry, with burning pain after passing a stool. Rumbly, colicky pains in the abdomen are common.

Symptoms better: for rest.
Symptoms worse: for hot weather, in the morning, for movement, for cold drinks.

Breast Problems

Symptoms: Breasts are pale, hard, and hot, with sharp pains, particularly in women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. Milk supply may be excessive.

Symptoms better: for heat, for rest.
Symptoms worse: for movement.


Grows mainly in the hedges and woodlands of southern England, and in central and southern Europe.


Used traditionally for shortness of breath, coughing, and the clearing of phlegm form the chest.


The fresh root is unearthed before the plant flowers, chopped, pulped, macerated in alcohol for ten days, diluted, and succussed.

Common Names

Bryony, white bryony, wild hops.

Reference: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, Andrew Lockie, MD

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Chamomilla Matricaria

Chamomilla Matricaria

The name of this plant derives from the Greek chamaimelon, or ''earth apple'', so called because of the applelike scent of its blossoms. Chamomilla is used for ailments with extreme sensitivity to pain, especially in children.


Chamomilla works best for those exhibiting an extremely low pain threshold, as well as anger, marked irritability and hostility. Often hypersensitive, they are bad-tempered, easily offended, and impossible to please. They flush easily when angry, and hate being touched. Bad temper, anger or stress exacerbate physical symptoms.

Chamomilla is often given to children who are snappy, wail when ill, and are pacified only if being carried and cuddled by someone walking around.

Typical Chamomilla symptoms are great irritability and pain that seems unbearable. The remedy is given for teething pain, fever, stomach pain with diarrhea, menstrual or labour pains, and sore, inflamed nipples during breast-feeding.


Symptoms: Hypersensitivity to pain, and hostility and anger that triggers physical problems. Things may be demanded then promptly thrown away.

Symptoms better: for being carried, for perspiring
Symptoms worse: for being touched, for being put down

Toothaches, teething & earaches

Symptoms: Excruciating pain in the teeth or ears, with fever. Toothache flares up after a hot drink or if a tooth is pressed. Swollen glands may cause face and neck pain, and the ears, nose and throat may feel blocked and numb. Babies teething may scream angrily, insist on being carried, and have greenish diarrhea.

Symptoms better: for cold, for being carried
Symptoms worse: for heat, for warm foods and drinks


Symptoms: A hot, flushed state, often with one cheek red and the other pale. There may be irritability, shivering and a tendency to sweat easily.

Symptoms better: for cold
Symptoms worse: for heat, for warm foods and drinks

Colic & diarrhea

Symptoms: Colicky pain in the abdomen, possibly with pale green diarrhea that smells of rotten eggs. Colic in children may cause restlessness and arching of the back.

Symptoms better: for warm compresses on the abdomen, for fasting
Symptoms worse: for heat, for fresh air, for anger

Menstrual & labour pain

Symptoms: Menstrual cramps or labour pains, possibly severe enough to cause sweats, anger, or fainting. Anger may trigger non-menstrual bleeding.

Symptoms better: for being driven in a car
Symptoms worse: for heat, for drafts, for wind, for damp, for anger, for touch.


Chamomilla was used to treat disorders of the digestive system since the 1st century. Chamomile tea is well known as a calming drink that aids sleep.


The whole fresh plant is harvested when in flower. It is finely chopped and macerated in alcohol, before being filtered, diluted, and succussed.

Common Names

German chamomile, corn feverfew, wild chamomile

Refrences: Encyclopedia of Homeopathy-Andrew Lockie, MD